Today were put in groups of 3-4 and we had to produce a presentation about a random game that the Tutor gave us.
I was with my two friends Jack and Jodi which surprisingly started off bad but eventually things worked out and it went well.
The game we had to research was called Ballpoint Univerese.
I admit things didn't go as planned because I was confused about what role I was assigned to.
I even made the mistake of talking about one of the subjects I knew well, where in the middle of the presentation Jodi says I stole her part. I don't want to say she was wrong but she was, I could have sworn Jack told me to talk about the overall look of the game.
Sadly I had the feeling either of them didn't have a care in the world for the game we had to present. I believe the game had some potential, but then again I like Sureal art.
The real stressful part was having to write everything my two team mates were saying.
Jack didn't have Power point on his laptop. fortunately I did however it was on my Surface pro 3.
Also I had to go over to a mac just before it was time to present. This was only because I knew a good presentation is better with imagery it makes it more appealing to the audience.
I finally got the images on the power point presentation.
and I looked at the audience every now and then because I was looking back at the imagery to gather points of interest. Overall it went semi well, but I defiantly think it could have gone better. I don't mean to blame people maybe I was just in a bad mood anyway we did the presentation and I learned about a interesting new game I never heard about.