Friday, 5 February 2016

CreativeSkills job choices for the future

Game Designer

My wish is to become a successful games designer and produce my own games with the help of a trustworthy imaginative team.

Is this role right for me?

To do this role, you will need to:
  • be able to work in collaboration with multi-disciplinary teams 8
  • be able to communicate your vision to artists, programmers, producers, marketing staff, and others involved in the development process 9
  • be able to accept constructive feedback on your work 8
  • be able to present your ideas both verbally and on paper 9
  • be imaginative and creative 10
  • have good written and verbal communication skills 8
  • have good basic visual design and drawing skills 9
  • be reasonably fluent in a range of 2D and 3D graphics and animation packages, such as 3D Studio Max, NUKE or Maya 9
  • have some programming skills at least at ‘scripting’ level 1
  • have an awareness of the various games platforms and technologies 9
  • possess a thorough understanding of game play theory 8
  • have storytelling and narrative development skills 8
  • be skilled in information design and user interface design 9
  • be able to think systematically and strategically 8
  • have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures 10
1- 10

1= Weakest 10= Strongest

I have not done any programming or scripting therefor I will either require a scripter or spend time learning the basics of scripting.

I am very imaginative some times it's hard to sleep because I have a wonderful dream or idea that I have to get up and write it down.

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